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ABMoC Relaunching its Data Fellowship Program
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The Alliance for Boys and Men of Color is relaunching the ABMoC Data Fellowship, supported with funding from the California Funders for Boys and Men of Color. Initiated in 2019, this six-month fellowship program is designed to increase the capacity of ABMoC network partners to utilize data and strategic research for campaigns.
Four fellows will work with the ABMoC research director, Gustavo López, and expert guests, to increase their capacity to understand, source, and visualize data for advocacy and systems-change work. Fellows will receive technical data training, case studies of research and data integrated into advocacy campaigns, and one-on-one support.
Dr. David C. Turner III, Senior Adviser to ABMoC and a 2019 data fellow, shared this about his experience with the ABMoC Data Fellowship: “The fellowship provided me with the opportunity to advance my own understanding of data visualization as both a science and an art. The learning experiences played a direct role in my ability to shape organizing and policy in Los Angeles, and will be forever grateful for it!” Dr. Turner also detailed how the fellowship has been key to his strategic organizing work at the 2022 Tableau conference.
“CFBMoC is honored to support ABMoC’s data fellowship because it is instrumental in how we must continue to invest in boys and men of color and their leadership. By offering tools, resources, and guidance on how to visualize data, this fellowship offers an exciting opportunity for BMoC to use data in ways that impact policies affecting their communities,” said Chris Cooper.
If you know of a grassroots partner that may be a good fit for the fellowship, ABMoC is collecting early interest through this form.